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Packing all the stuff I need for five exciting days of music!

Tomorrow (July 28th) Paolo Bacchetta’s band “Egon” (featuring Giacomo Papetti on bass, Nelide Bandello on drums and yours truly on alto sax & alto clarinet) will be playing in Cremona. We are presenting the new CD, so don’t miss it!

From July 29th to July 31st I’ll be teaching an improvisation workshop at Sajeta Festival in Tolmin, Slovenia. The venue is in the middle of some beatiful woods, just beside the river, and the line-up is killer, I expect to see you there too…

By the way, on the 31st I’ll be on the festival’s stage with my SPELUNKER solo set, and immediately after I’m going to fill the bass player’s chair in Marco Cappelli’s Italian Surf Academy, featuring Francesco Cusa on drums.

August 1st will give me one more shot as a bassist with ISF in Krapina, Croatia.

Pray for my fingertips.

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